The Hard Times

Today on Auxoro, I speak with Matt Saincome and Bill Conway, the founders of The Hard Times, a satire website focused on punk news that has since added a Video Game section called The Hard Drive.  According to, The Hard Times started in late 2014 with just a few punk kids, comics, and friends. In this conversation, we cover everything from the inception of The Hard Times to jerking off to what makes good satire. This was absolutely a wide-ranging conversation, and make sure to stay tuned until the end for some scandalous stories about Matt’s food delivery days. 

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Kevin Hart And The State Of Comedy

In the latest episode of the Self Care Series, host Zach Grossfeld explores the recent controversy with Kevin Hart and The Oscars Committee, Hart's jokes on homosexuality, and the current state of comedy. We started the Self Care Series in honor of the late Mac Miller as a way to explore mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Comedy can be the ultimate cure for pulling through the darkest of times, and laughter combines all three aspects of Self Care: the physical, the mental, and the emotional. Should certain topics be off limits for comics? Who decides what we can and cannot find funny? How does laughter tie into morality? We are only one voice in a sea of opinions and we would love to hear your thoughts on a force that connects us all: comedy.

Youth Basketball (Ian Kieffer)

This time, we sat down with Ian Kieffer of the LA-based duo Youth Basketball. Youth Basketball is the project of brothers, Ian and Geordie Kieffer, who grew up on everything from 70's singer-songwriter to 90's hip-hop. In this conversation with Ian, we dove into the process of producing the first album, the power of slo-mo, that "fuck it" moment, and much more. Also, Ian writes for one of the largest comedy channels on YouTube. That's right, he is the white Donald Glover, Childish Kieffer. The day before this podcast release, Youth Basketball just put out a self-titled EP which you can stream on Spotify or wherever you listen to music. Please do. I hope you enjoy this conversation let us know what you think!